Private and Confidential

Nurton and their agents JCG Land & Property continue with their “masterplan”. They wrote to residents again this week – upping the offer to buy their homes. Ironically they want to demolish houses to provide access to the Shortlands Farm site south of the Grainger land.

The EIA ’report’ that SODC has published makes reference to “consequential development” and “cumulative impacts” of other “activities”. For reasons know only to them they conclude that this is ’unlikely’ despite being fully aware of Nurton’s plans and increasingly desperate attempts to secure access.

SODC are choosing too to ignore Nurton and Grainger’s apparent co-operation on this stealth plan for a Great Eastern Park. Nurton has talked of “collaboration with [the] owner/developer of land to the north” and we have seen Grainger drawings indicating “Potential Access to [the] Southern Field” from their housing estate.

SODC are choosing not to see what is as clear as day. We are not. Quite soon we will be dealing with Grainger’s planning application. They will hope to play down its scale and scope. We will make sure the truth is told.

Nothing will be kept “Private and Confidential” about these audacious and speculative plans.

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